+ core + [pt_PT] autocorrect - added 22 words [Marco A.G.Pinto] + add libebook-1.2.so.19 in EApi.cxx [Rico Tzschichholz] + add mimetype to image element (tdf#109202) [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + add SvxColorListBox::IsValueChangedFromSaved (tdf#109289) [Caolán McNamara] + always load documents read-only in SwOneExampleFrame (tdf#109188) [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + amount of a11y selection listeners constantly grows (tdf#106872) [Caolán McNamara] + assign the ScInterpreter results back to ScFormulaCell... (tdf#93328) [Dennis Francis] + branch libreoffice-5-4-1 [Christian Lohmaier] + bug fix: (tdf#111173) [Marco Cecchetti] + bump product version to [Christian Lohmaier] + bump product version to [Christian Lohmaier] + cairo_canvas: shape clipping box doesn't match where its text is rendered (tdf#55469) [Caolán McNamara] + change names from bmp to png (tdf#111087) [Caolán McNamara] + CheckWebQuery: Don't use OUString::createFromAscii for user input [Mike Kaganski] + cleanse startup notification foo from env (tdf#109194) [Thorsten Behrens] + correct insert index entry icon filename (tdf#106533) [Yousuf Philips] + crash after load designs with no design selected (tdf#111308) [Caolán McNamara] + crash in SVTB16Short (ofz#2877) [Caolán McNamara] + crash on restarting writer with modeless biblio dialog (tdf#111571) [Caolán McNamara] + crashtesting: 554 crashing documents on export to .doc (tdf#91687) [Caolán McNamara] + curl: disable more unnecessary stuff [Michael Stahl] + curl: disable protocols nobody needs in MSVC build [Michael Stahl] + CVE-2017-11742: Expat 2.2.3 [Caolán McNamara] + dereference after null check (coverity#1416135, coverity#1416137, tdf#108887) [Caolán McNamara] + desktop,extensions: updater: only allow redirects to HTTP/HTTPS [Michael Stahl] + do not assume that chart objects always... (tdf#108881) [Dennis Francis] + do not forget to remove the chart model from... (tdf#109523) [Dennis Francis] + DOCX import: fix handling of nested textbox margins (tdf#106132) [Miklos Vajna] + DOCX: Multipage table is not imported properly (tdf#109053) [Tamás Zolnai] + don't call InstallFontconfigResources if it's not available (tdf#104883) [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + don't jump back to selected slide on right click context menu [Caolán McNamara] + don't verify SSL certificate for crashreport upload (tdf#109347) [Markus Mohrhard] + drawing objects not visible after creation via ctrl+drag (tdf#33692) [Caolán McNamara] + drawingML import: fix handling of group shape properties (tdf#110440) [Miklos Vajna] + enforce a minimum legend size for pivot charts... (tdf#108921) [Dennis Francis] + ensure palette is large enough for all colors (ofz#2766) [Caolán McNamara] + FILESAVE: ODT: Anchor changed to 'to character' after RT (tdf#109228) [Tamás Zolnai] + first page header/footer ODF (1/2) (tdf#109080) [Luke Deller] + fix Add setting XML_doNotExpandShiftReturn when exporting to docx (tdf#106029) [nikki] + fix crash when aInkBoxes might be empty [Markus Mohrhard] + fix DOCX import shape line with arrow marker (tdf#100491) [Vasily Melenchuk] + fix expected type of Orientation attr (tdf#109177) [Stephan Bergmann] + fix image map item ids [Caolán McNamara] + fix leak in FindFontSubstitute with CFRelease (tdf#111497) [Julien Nabet] + fix leaks in AddTempDevFont with CFRelease (tdf#111432) [Julien Nabet] + fix memleak in TemplateLocalView::insertItems (tdf#111567) [Julien Nabet] + fix save/load of form button alignment (tdf#109242) [Noel Grandin] + for bubble charts append data column... (tdf#103984) [Dennis Francis] + for jpeg dpi use apis that know about MapUnit::MapPixel (tdf#99286) [Caolán McNamara] + framework user of convert menu needs action names set (tdf#111080) [Caolán McNamara] + function Wizard showing Breeze icons when in Sifr theme (tdf#98315) [Matthias Freund] + gtk3 spinbuttons are wider than available space (tdf#93745) [Caolán McNamara] + gtk3: make video playback fill playback window [Caolán McNamara] + gtk3: take modifier key into account for dnd (tdf#109277) [Caolán McNamara] + handle CrossedOutItems in HTML export. (tdf#79304) [Sean Stangl] + honor ODF 1.2 style tab indentation in XHTML export (tdf#111492) [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + import font name from text portions in shapes (tdf#107723) [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + in SfxControllerItem::dispose do not directly... (tdf#108802) [Dennis Francis] + increment pos before check, like all the other cases (ofz#2899) [Caolán McNamara] + korean table entries start at 0xF not 0x7 (ofz#2852) [Caolán McNamara] + list views are recalculating layout on every paint [Caolán McNamara] + load/save page background transparency (tdf#107584) [Katarina Behrens] + makefile: fix fetching for the build platform [Michael Stahl] + move the code of ScDrawView::CheckOle()... (tdf#108887) [Dennis Francis] + moving table object with ALT+Arrow keys does not work properly (tdf#109050) [Tamás Zolnai] + no arrow for "Data" button on pivot chart (tdf#108986) [Dennis Francis] + null deref (ofz#2867, ofz#2833, ofz#2846) [Caolán McNamara] + null dereference (ofz#2759) [Caolán McNamara] + officecfg: increase GraphicManager/TotalCacheSize again for 64-bit [Michael Stahl] + ofz: survive missing macro support [Caolán McNamara] + only request selected shapes (tdf#106872) [Caolán McNamara] + override default point label placement setting... (tdf#109858, tdf#90510) [Dennis Francis] + PPTX: Vertical flip of child shape is not imported correctly (tdf#109223) [Tamás Zolnai] + pre-create sum/equal and ok/cancel buttons... (tdf#71409) [Dennis Francis] + protect calls to implBuildFromRelative from year overflow (tdf#110997) [Lionel Elie Mamane] + python3: upgrade to release 3.5.4 [David Ostrovsky] + redo 'insert multiple tabs after' inserts too many tabs (tdf#109856) [Caolán McNamara] + rename Moderate template (tdf#111331) [heiko tietze] + restore and fix and fix harder the EditTextObject::operator==() (i#64360) [Eike Rathke] + revert "fix deleting an image anchored to last paragraph (tdf#107975) [Michael Stahl] + revert "Save "Mouse pointer visible" property" (tdf#108824) [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + RTF import: fix missing custom bullet types (tdf#106953, tdf#108951) [Miklos Vajna] + RTF import: fix missing paragraph background (tdf#108955, bnc#825305) [Miklos Vajna] + RTF import: keep remembering paragraph style between \cell and \row (tdf#44715, tdf#109790) [Miklos Vajna] + save "Mouse pointer visible" property (tdf#108824) [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + seems infobar child window wasn't registered in Math (tdf#109304) [Katarina Behrens] + set Ctrl+Alt+K for hyperlink in Spanish (tdf#79933) [Yousuf Philips] + set/handle LinkNumberFormatToSource property in xls... (tdf#90352) [Dennis Francis] + sidebar's fontheight field is not updated... (tdf#109107) [Tamás Zolnai] + svg sheet smashing and insertbefore and after fixes (tdf#75256) [Matthias Freund] + svx: assert on undisposed AbstractSvxHpLinkDlg [Michael Stahl] + svx: make SdrGrafObj::mpReplacementGraphic swappable [Michael Stahl] + sw: fix another case of bookmarks becoming un-sorted (tdf#105705) [Michael Stahl] + sw: fix bookmark positions in tables at start of redlines (tdf#99692) [Michael Stahl] + sw: fix crash due to not formatted but "valid" SwTextFrame (tdf#108991) [Michael Stahl] + sw: fix dangling text box frame format pointers in Undo (tdf#108867) [Michael Stahl] + sw: fix string accesses in SwScanner::NextWord() () (tdf#109081) [Michael Stahl] + sw: make SwGrfNode::mpReplacementGraphic swappable [Michael Stahl] + sw: sort bookmarks in ContentIdxStoreImpl::RestoreBkmks() (tdf#105705) [Michael Stahl] + the same Watermark for first page (tdf#109314) [Szymon Kłos] + too small bullet size confuses the user (tdf#108925) [Tamás Zolnai] + tree view shows odd text widths when > 100 lines (fdo#72125, tdf#99071) [Caolán McNamara] + undo 'insert multiple tabs after' doesn't work (tdf#109856) [Caolán McNamara] + update credits [Christian Lohmaier] + update lo-xlate-lang for "kurdish"/kurmanji, amharic and guarani [Rene Engelhard] + update the view data of new document when... (tdf#109859) [Dennis Francis] + updated core [Andras Timar, Christian Lohmaier] + use ifeq "$(SDK_AUTO_DEPLOYMENT)" "YES" [Rene Engelhard] + use internal name for quotation character style (tdf#95489) [Yousuf Philips] + use page position to insert master page, not id (tdf#110743) [Pranav Kant] + use SID_PATTERN_LIST after bitmap tab converting (tdf#109863) [Julien Nabet] + vcl: fix -Werror=format (32-bit GCC) [Michael Stahl] + version, tag libreoffice- [Christian Lohmaier] + writerfilter: fix missing footnote separator (tdf#108944, tdf#107033, tdf#68787) [Justin Luth] + xmloff: ODF export: fix redundant setting of GraphicStreamURL swapping [Michael Stahl] + dictionaries + version, tag libreoffice- [Christian Lohmaier] + help + version, tag libreoffice- [Christian Lohmaier] + translations + update Slovenian file [Christian Lohmaier] + update translations for 5.4.1 rc1 [Christian Lohmaier]